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Equipped To Be

Dec 16, 2020

Learning to listen and trust God's leading takes intentionality and practice. These are disciplines Misty Phillip put into practice early in her life. She joins me to discuss how God led her from corporate work to homeschooling to writing and speaking and then to creating a podcast conference for Christian podcasters.

During our conversation, Misty and I chat about her decision-making progress and how she has learned that listening and trusting God's leading helps her avoid stress and wrong decisions.

Listen and Trust God's Leading

  • Waiting during the hidden years
  • Taking heart for God is with you
  • Understanding your gifts and talents
  • Being in His Word
  • Knowing God doesn't have second best for you

Misty Phillip Bio

Misty Phillip is a podcaster, speaker, author, and entrepreneur who is passionate about helping you spark your soul message. Founder of the Spark Christian Podcast Conference, Founder of The Rocket Podcast Community, and host of the By His Grace podcast show. Misty inspires through her leadership, speaking, and mastermind groups. She currently serves as the Houston Connect Leader for Christian Women In Media. Misty is the author of The Struggle is Real: But So is God Bible Study and Spark Podcast Planner 2020.

Read the full show notes with links to resources here.