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Parenting and Homeschool advice - Equipped To Be with Connie Albers

Mar 31, 2021

Self-protection isn't new. People disappoint us, so we put up walls. God doesn't answer our prayer, so we stop praying. We deal with pain and suffering by self-protecting. It feels safer. But, is it how Jesus handled pain and suffering? Did he avoid people who hurt him? No. Then maybe we should live by his example.



Mar 24, 2021

With all the parenting books available, what makes Love-Centered Parenting, by Crystal Paine, unique? Like many books, where the authors focus on results-based parenting. Love-Centered Parenting has a different approach.


To many, Crystal Paine had it all together - a happy marriage, a successful business, a vibrant...

Mar 17, 2021

Do the words of others linger in your mind? You can hear them play over and over again. You want to erase their words, but you can't get them out of your head. It's because we've given people headspace. It's like giving free rent in my head to others, and it has to stop.


Most people can remember a time when someone...

Mar 10, 2021

What is the future of homeschooling? The future looks bright!

While homeschooling and at-home learning surged due to school closures, parents are considering continuing this educational method in the future. The freedom and flexibility that comes with learning at home are among the many reasons parents list.


Mar 3, 2021

Are you among millions of parents trying to run a business and homeschooling your children? You're not alone. Millions of parents are faced with the tension that comes with juggling deadlines, making sure the kids are doing school, planning meals, and spending hours in the kitchen.

Whether you're working a few hours or...