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Equipped To Be

Mar 31, 2021

Self-protection isn't new. People disappoint us, so we put up walls. God doesn't answer our prayer, so we stop praying. We deal with pain and suffering by self-protecting. It feels safer. But, is it how Jesus handled pain and suffering? Did he avoid people who hurt him? No. Then maybe we should live by his example.


A friend recently shared something about self-protection from the book 40-Days to Decrease by Alicia Britt Chole. Her text was so good that I had to pull my copy off the shelf and read more.


I found myself wondering if I'm guilty of self-protection. Sadly, I am. Most of us are. I think the longer we live, the more pain and suffering we'll experience, but we have a choice. Put up walls or let our light shine by being different.


In this episode, I share some reasons people self-protect, what God's taught me about not using self-protection to keep others at a distance, and why we should follow Jesus's example.


Read the full show notes and see all the links here.