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Parenting and Homeschool advice - Equipped To Be with Connie Albers

Jan 27, 2021

Do you feel like 2021 started rough? Does it feel overwhelming? Are you unsure of how to move forward with new leadership? Or are you eager to see God work in your family?

People are passionate about what they believe. And when power shifts from one party to another people become uncertain. Where ever you find yourself,...

Jan 20, 2021

Did you know only 31% of people read their Bible every week? I'm not sure if that surprises you or not, but It did me. That got me wondering why. What are the hindrances to consistently reading God's Word? How can you fall in love with God's word?

Brittany Ann of Equipping Godly Women joins me on the program to talk...

Jan 13, 2021

Are you feeling unmotivated, uncertain, or stuck? You aren't alone. Though your social media feed is full of 5-day challenges, organizational hacks, and scripture memory designed to help you start the year off right, you can't seem to do them. You aren't alone! Let's talk about how to improve motivation when...

Jan 6, 2021

Has your child been bullied? Do you find out or did they tell you? How do you know if they are dealing with bullying or if it's general conflict that they can resolve?

It's vital that children understand the difference between bullying and general conflict so they can properly navigate each scenario wisely.
