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Parenting and Homeschool advice - Equipped To Be with Connie Albers

Sep 28, 2022

Parenting is hard. Deciding how to implement parenting advice can be even more difficult. There are a lot of parenting books out there. I even wrote one myself! Sadly, many parenting books can come across as being the only right way to parent your child. You might start to think, "What is wrong with my child?" when...

Sep 21, 2022

There's a new term in HR departments around the country: quiet quitters. It refers to people who don't want to overexert themselves. They do just enough to get their paycheck and not get fired. Your children have the opportunity to take the marketplace by storm in this quiet quitter culture!


In this episode, I talk...

Sep 14, 2022

Are you immersing yourself in today? Or are you wrapped up in taking pictures "so you won't forget?" Or consumed with what someone else is doing? Or thinking about work that needs to be done? I have the same temptations and I want to encourage you to focus more on immersing yourself in today rather than the cares...

Sep 7, 2022

I've recently come through a very difficult season in my life. Trial after trial kept coming. I couldn't get through most days without at least a few tears or without feeling exhausted. For me, this season carried a lot of death and painful losses. For you, maybe it's saying goodbye to someone you love, a...