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Parenting and Homeschool advice - Equipped To Be with Connie Albers

Feb 24, 2021

Generational living is a way of life that is back in vogue. Have you thought about it? It's when multiple generations live under one roof. It can be by choice or because circumstances require this lifestyle. Either way making generational living work for your family requires prayer and careful consideration.

Doing life...

Feb 17, 2021

Fostering a foundation of respect between you and your teen requires time and intentionality. The good news is that your investment now pays off in the long run as you show your child respect.

Respecting each other is not just good idea to help your relationship grow stronger, but God requires that we show respect. In I...

Feb 10, 2021

Launching your child brings a host of emotions. For most parents, it's a bittersweet experience. Feelings of loss, fear, excitement, and satisfaction are some of the more common emotions parents have to work through. But launching your child doesn't mean the end of your relationship or influence.

Like most parents, I...

Feb 3, 2021

People often ask me how did I teach my children. I love when I get the opportunity to share how we homeschooled our kids. But what I love even more is helping parents teach their children! Let's talk about how to teach children well!

Parents have been led to believe that one needs a degree or some special training to be...