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Equipped To Be

Feb 3, 2021

People often ask me how did I teach my children. I love when I get the opportunity to share how we homeschooled our kids. But what I love even more is helping parents teach their children! Let's talk about how to teach children well!

Parents have been led to believe that one needs a degree or some special training to be a good teacher. I wrestled with feeling like I didn't have what it takes to be a teacher for many years. I had neither an education degree nor special training. What I did have was a desire to provide an excellent education for my children. But that didn't mean there weren't times I felt inadequate for the job. Honestly, I've never met a parent who didn't question themselves from time to time. The truth is education isn't a mystery.

In today's episode, I'll unpack three key strategies that will help you teach your children.

Read the full show notes here.