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Equipped To Be

Nov 25, 2020

Heaviness is not an uncommon feeling these days. But what if we could turn heaviness to hopefulness? Well, we can!

In today's episode, we are going to unpack specific steps you can take to rid yourself of the heaviness that is robbing you of the hope God wants you to experience in this season of life.

  • How do we turn...

Nov 18, 2020

How do we raise children in a culture of chaos when confusion and strife surround us? And how do we remain steadfast while adjusting along the way? While the culture is in chaos, you can tune out the turmoil and provide the stability in your home.

Parenting has never been easy, but today's climate makes it much harder...

Nov 11, 2020

Today, I'm joined by author and speaker Wendy Speake to discuss her new book The 40 Day Social Media Fast: Exchange Your Online Distractions for Real-Life Devotion. Wendy shares how our spiritual lives are impacted when we run to social media or sugar or anything other than God's Word.

About Wendy Speake

Wendy Speake is...

Nov 4, 2020

It's time to exhale; the election is over! Now it's time to discuss the winners and losers with your children in a constructive way so you can get on with daily life.

  • Assign everyone a job
  • Don't start with a list you want to discuss
  • Listen when your kids talk
  • Don't allow siblings to mock or put down each other
  • Affirm...