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Equipped To Be

Aug 26, 2020

Do your words roll off your tongue and land in a tender place of your child's heart or do they wound their spirit? We know words have power, so using them carefully will help you strengthen your relationship and reduce conflict. It's not always what you say, but what others hear that matters. You can build relationship...

Aug 19, 2020

Do you find yourself getting angry more than ever before? Did you know anger follows fear? While these are God-given emotions, they don't have to control our reaction to others or God. Joël Malm author of Love Slows Down joins me to discuss how to respond to the patterns of anger in a Biblical way. Listen in for tips...

Aug 5, 2020

Have you felt fearful lately? Do you want to speak up, but know what to do? As a Christian, how can we starve the fear that is taking over our country. If you are afraid, you're not alone. Millions of people feel the same way you do. Want to know how you can stop living in fear?


In this episode, Heidi St. John and I...